IEEE IGARSS Opening Keynote (July 2021) - Delivered a research talk on the parallels between self-driving and satellite robotics in the Opening Keynote Talks of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in Brussels (Video starting 53:40)
NASA Feature Interview (July 2019) - Interviewed and featured on the main website for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as its Science Directorate (Interview)
CNBC News (February 2019) - Featured as a panelist on primetime TV to discuss the synergy between aerospace and defense start-ups with governments, as part of the biennial Aero India air show (News article) (Full episode)
CNBC News (March 2019) - Featured as a panelist on primetime TV to discuss the challenges and opportunities for women in aerospace and defense (Full episode)(News article)
MIT News Spotlight and Cover Story (July 2016) - Featured as a full day spotlight on MIT's website - - where in the cover story discussed the impacts of our latest publication, Nag,, "Effect of Satellite Formation Architectures and Imaging Modes on Global Albedo Estimation", Acta Astronautica 126 (2016), and associated interviews (Cover Story) (Spotlight Archive)
Gizmodo Global News (July 2016) - Featured for published research on satellite formation flight and their technical feasibility and impact. (News Article)
Science Daily (July 2016) - Featured interview on recently published results on Batches of shoebox-sized satellites could improve estimates of Earth's reflected energy (News Article)
Phys.Org News (July 2016) - Featured on Satellites and Climate Change, based on a series of interviews given to MIT News and a published Acta Astronautica article (News Article)
The Leading Edge (October 2015) - Featured in the monthly magazine of the Society of Exploration geophysicists, based on research achievements as a Schlumberger Faculty of the Future Fellow (Full Article)(DOI)
NASA GSFC Monthly Highlights (October 2015) - Featured as the monthly highlight for the NASA's Climate and Radiation Division, which showcased results published in September 2015 in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Highlight) (paper)
Marquis Who's Who in America (July 2015) - Featured in the 70th Platinum Anniversary Edition of the annual directory, after being nominated for and subsequently selected for inclusion (Marquis Wiki)
BAERI Newsletter (August 2014) - Featured for winning the best paper award and first place in the Frank J. Redd Student Scholarship at the Small Satellite Conference in Logan, Utah 2014 (News Release)
International Astronautical Federation and MIT Newsletter (October 2013) - Featured for winning the IAF Luigi G. Napolitano Award at the International Astronautical Congress, China 2013 (Wiki Page) (Press Release) (MIT AA News)
Zen Pencils Reader of the Month (February 2013) - Featured as the Reader of the month for February on Zen Pencils, a website which adapts inspirational quotes into cartoons, and spotlights inspirational stories via interviews of selected readers (Interview)
NASA.GOV News Feature (May 2012) - Featured on the NASA website on International Space Station utilization for science activities, for running and documenting the progress of the Zero Robotics Program (NASA Report)
NASA TV Live Telecast(January 2012) - Featured live on NASA TV to co-host the SPHERES Zero Robotics Finals Competition for over 1000 participants in 4 countries on January 23, 2012 (Full episode) (News Release)
New Jersey News (December 2011) - Featured on the NJ News on the topic the SPHERES Challenge 2011, the latest tournament in the Zero Robotics Program, which I led from January 2011 to February 2012 (Article)
SSPI Newsletter (September 2011) - Featured on the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) website for winning the "Satellite Futures" Scholarship to moderate at the Space Generation Congress and attend the International Astronautical Congress in Cape Town, South Africa (Selections)(Interview)
NASA TV Live Telecast (September 2011) - Featured live on NASA TV to co-host the SPHERES Zero Robotics kickoff for over 1000 participants in 4 countries on September 10, 2011 (Full episode) (News Release)
NASA.GOV News Feature (September 2011) - Featured on the International Space Station news for leading the Zero Robotics Summer Program for middle school students to program the SPHERES robots on the ISS (Article)
Total Society and Environment, Annual Report (May 2011) - featured on the topic of "New Energies" and Corporate Social Responsibility (Relevant-Pages) (Full Report)
MIT News and MIT Energy Initiative News (September 2009 - May 2010) - Full profile and research specializations featured as an MIT Energy Initiative Fellow (Spotlight-Interview)
Special Announcement Award, Clinton Global Initiative University, Miami (April 2010) to lead the Commitment to action on Energy solutions for Education in rural areas of developing countries. My Commitment was in association with the SELCO Innovation Labs, Bangalore, India. (Press-Release)(Philantopic New Digest) (Awarded Proposal)
Student Leadership Symposium Report by Chevron/Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Las Vegas (November 2008) - featured as a team lead of a Strategic Problem Solving Session involving 52 international students to discuss and present the international opinion/agenda toward improvement of SEG Student Chapters in 17 countries. (Press-Release)